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Hiding the 'impossible to send email' error in Kmail

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I am currently using a wifi network that requires me to sign into a captive portal. When I connect to this network, Kmail (which runs in the background) pops up an error saying 'impossible to send email'.

Is there any way I can hide this error? I am using Kmail with my Gmail account, and I am able to send and receive mails without any issue. I couldn't find any errors in the logs in
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. The following is an image of the error box:

I couldn't find the relevant setting in Kmail's settings > configure notifications.
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fdotman wrote:Hi, I know how you feel, it can be really disheartening most especially when you need the internet access at all cost. Meanwhile, what I do is remove my device, restart it and reconnect again. Hope this helps.
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I don't have any major problems in connecting to the network per se, i.e. the connectivity issue gets sorted when I sign in or if I try to reconnect. What I find annoying is that this error box appears when I am working and interrupts me. I am currently using a window rule to prevent the dialog from grabbing focus, but I would love to be able to disable it.


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