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Prevent upgrades of certain apps

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Prevent upgrades of certain apps

Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:07 pm

I have settled on Fedory 28 with KDE for my desktop of choice. I really enjoy KDE Plasma.

When I do a fresh Fedora 28 install Kmail, Kontact, and Konqueror are all on v17 and run fine. If I do a system update they are upgraded to v18. At this point these apps crash. It is some kind of issue with the Nouveau driver.

I have found that DNF has a excludepkgs option which accepts a glob for package names to not touch and I was wondering if there was some way to easily prevent these apps from upgrading while allowing the rest of the system to do so.

I am not sure what do about the dependencies, so if I just glob on Kmail for example, will it be sufficient? I doubt it. I am just wondering if someone who knows the packages well enough can tell me how to keep these three apps at v17. I imagine its not really possible without getting into a troublesome, inconsistent state.

So I'm wondering if someone just knows, "yes it's easy just do x" or "no its a pain/hassle, either upgrade all or don't upgrade at all."

Thanks for your time


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