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Chrome Profiles Issues

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Chrome Profiles Issues

Sun Jan 05, 2020 3:10 am
Not sure if this belongs here or in another section, Moderators please feel free to move.

OS: Manjaro (Juhraya 18.1.5 w/KDE 5.17)

I have Chrome running multiple profiles...
1. Work Gmail
2. Personal Gmail
3. My Non-Profit Dog Rescue Gmail

I have a Windows box configured to use all three profiles as individual separate shortcuts. When setting this up in KDE, I've been running into a few issues and am missing a few features.

What I have done...
In Manjaro, I created the three profiles by copying and renaming the /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop to reflect each profile I wanted to have linked. I have them all three individually setup with switches to open up Chrome with a specific Google profile (Chrome - Work / Chrome - Home / Chrome - Rescue).

Here are the issues I've run into though...
1st. On Windows, each shortcut is the Chrome Icon with a small "sub icon" on it with that link's gmail profile picture. When they are opened, the icon on top left corner and on the task bar both show the "sub icon", allowing the each profile to be quickly and easily distinguished from each other. This was done using Chrome's built in create desktop feature in the profiles settings. That feature does not seem to exist under Linux, so all three icons have an eyeglasses/sideways hourglass type of "sub icon" (as does all my desktop shortcuts). I cannot seem to find any way to change or alter those icons. Regardless, that "sub icon" (sorry, I don't know what it is really called) also doesn't appear in the windows top left corner icon or in the task bar icon. This makes it extremely hard to quickly tell which window is which when all three are open. One fix is going to be to take a screenshot of the icons in Windows and then create icon files of them to change the three Chrome icons too, but that seems awfully sloppy. Is there a better fix?

2nd. Windows will open the last activated browser profile any time an external link is opened (from an email client's link, for example). Kde (from Kmail, for example) seems to always open the same exact profile (even if currently close and it seems to be whichever profile is setup as the "Default Browser"). Windows behavior is preferable, since I regularly open links from each of my three Gmail accounts and would like an easy way to make sure each of the accounts get opened in it's specific browser profile.

I am curious if their is any way to do what I am looking for and if these issues are KDE or Google specific issues.

With appreciation.


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