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Setting up maildir account in Kmail

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Bruce Leeds
Registered Member

Setting up maildir account in Kmail

Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:39 am
I am trying to set up my old email as a maildir account. My old email is in a folder `oldmail/`, specifically in `oldmail/local-mail` and `oldmail/` (for the subfolders). In kmail I went to

Settings -> Configure KMail -> Accounts -> Receiving -> Add -> Custom Acccount -> Maildir

where I tried writing "oldmail/" or "oldmail/" or oldmail/local-mail" into "Select the folder containing the maildir information". In each case I might get a "database" symbol in the main window of KMail, but no email is displayed. Restarting akonadi did not change anything.

How do I set up my old mail?


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