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Automatically open Personal Contacts in KAddressBook?

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UPDATE: I deleted my .local/share directory, ran KAddressBook to create a new empty Personal Contacts folder, then imported my contacts from my cellphone using a .vcf file. Now, the contacts load automatically when I run KAddressBook. I don't know what I corrected, but it works now.

ORIGINAL POST: This is a simple question, but I can't find it mentioned in the documentation or online. When I start KAddressBook, it shows my Personal Contacts in the Address Books window, but my contacts are not displayed. If I click on the check box by "Personal Contacts", it opens and I see my contacts. Is there any way to configure KAddressBook to open my Personal Contacts automatically every time I start KAddressBook? Thanks in advance to all who respond.

Technical information: KAddressBook version 5.18.3 (21.08.3) running under Oracle Linux Server release 8.6 (5.4.17-2136.307.3.5.el8uek.x86_64).


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