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Kmail imap with gmail

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Kmail imap with gmail

Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:13 am
Hi !

I'm trying to configure kmail on a brand new ubuntu 22 install and run into troubles with gmail imap, so my question is :
---- Is there anyone that could get kmail working well with Gmail imap ? ----
And if so, what is the right configuration for it ?

I have kubuntu 22 on a Dell XPS13, kmail installed with normal repos. Imap works well with 2 providers but not correctly with gmail.

On Gmail, I could manage to configure imap and smtp with an "application password" and get the folders sync between google servers and kmail.
But the problem is : if I remove a mail on kmail, it does not remove on google webmail. And worst, at the next sync, the mail is sent back in kmail...
If I remove a mail in google webmail, it doesn't remove on kmail and... at the next sync, the mail is back in google webmail..

So it is not possible to remove mails in that imap configuration ! That's the same for mail that have been read on one side : it is not propagated on the other side and after sync, the mail appear unread on both sides.

I tried several config on gmail "transfert POP/IMAP" but the actual one is (traduced from french as much as I can) :
- imap activated
- when I check a message as suppressed : desactivate automatic supress, update by client
- when a message is checked as suppressed : suppress immediately and permanently the message

Except the first choice, these elements of configuration are pretty obscure to me as I don't really understand what theses means for the imap server behavior.

Thank for any help !


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