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KMail & HTML.

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flying sheep
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:32 pm
annew wrote:To date KMail2 has been concentrating on migration and stability. As far as I know it is intended that it will support html. Wait until KMail2 is released as stable - remember that it isn't, yet - then will be the time to record a feature request.
i see, so i am not having it on my pc today! i was mistaken on that one and thought kmail2 is standard with kde4. sorry.

annew wrote:At the same time, do remember that thousands of Linux users do not want html mail. By all means make your request for off-list use, but don't push it down the throats of those of us that want plain text only.
please don’t act like anyone said anything like that. it’s just that hundreds of thousands want this feature and not having it as a evenly-matched alternative to text-mail is simply choice far off all reality.

we need ONE setting: “i prefer HTML mail”. it should be checked by default since that’s what most people use these days. if the option is unchecked, html mail gets converted to plain text before being cited and new mail is in plain text, else a replied-to mail is cited as-is in a css-styled citation-block and new mail is in html. a button allows to switch between html and text (as far as possible) if you want to send single mails differring from your usual choice. period.

also, i have to cite the following to bring it to the new page, which i rudely created:
2handband wrote:Respectfully, Annew, it needs to be an option. Make it easy to turn off, make it opt-in, whatever... but this is THE biggest single flaw in the entire Kontact suite. This is coming from a guy who HATES html email. The simple fact is, you're closing off Kmail to an increasingly large percentage of users. I can tell you with authority that almost anyone that uses email extensively in any kind of business or academic setting has got to have this at least as an option.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:02 am
As I said, I believe the option is planned. There is no point whatsoever in arguing further. I hope and believe that it will be an option - for some strange reason some of us have suffered from updates turning on html composing, against our will. That is the situation that I want to avoid. It should be an option and the user should be aware of the status of that option.

annew, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct and a KDE user since 2002.
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flying sheep
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:58 am
annew wrote:It should be an option and the user should be aware of the status of that option.
as previously said: nobody would ever want to abolish plain text mail. kde4 removed features present in kde3.5, but that was because much had to be rewritten and rethought. there is no reason whatsoever to remove features from there on.

annew wrote:for some strange reason some of us have suffered from updates turning on html composing, against our will. That is the situation that I want to avoid.
that’s called a bug. write a bug report and watch the comments, but i shouldn’t have to tell you that.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Mon Mar 14, 2011 4:13 am
I too love using Linux and find forwarding HTML with Kmail "HELL" I recently came back to Kmail but am not happy it's STILL not fixed.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:51 pm
annew wrote:To date KMail2 has been concentrating on migration and stability. As far as I know it is intended that it will support html. Wait until KMail2 is released as stable - remember that it isn't, yet - then will be the time to record a feature request.

As far as you know it is intended, does not sound like it is a high priority.
annew wrote:At the same time, do remember that thousands of Linux users do not want html mail.

And hundreds of thousands on non linux users do not become linux users because they cannot find a PIM that is comparable to what they have become accustomed. I have a relative that I have not been able to get off of AOL for over 17 years, because that is what she is accustom to. Also note that it has been repeatedly suggested that html mail be an option, which means those thousand of linux user can simply turn it off. ;)
annew wrote: By all means make your request for off-list use, but don't push it down the throats of those of us that want plain text only.

I have read nothing in this entire thread that could be construed as pushing anything "down the throats of those of us that want plain text only." What I have seen from the kmail or kde development group is the members thereof trying to push down the throats of us who want html to use plain text. It is like nanny staters who will take care of us in spite of ourselves. I have given kde a try since I first started using Red Hat back in 1999. I have always gone back to gnome, because of the email issue and then it was the aconadi issue recently. The K desktop is arguably the best desktop in the linux world, but if the developers do not recognize the first rule of business, they will not get nearly as much support as they might want or otherwise need.

I make my living as an independent in the insurance industry. Nobody has popularized a software program to adjust insurance claims for use on linux. I have to keep a windoze partition on my computer if I want to make a living, Should I go to the clients who pay me a tell them to stop trying to push windoze down my throat? When you are catering to others, it behooves you to cater to the largest segment of society as possible. The only reason that I attempted to use kmail again, is because evolution does not allow for the recognizing it is online with ay other means than network manager. When I tether through my Droid, I cannot get evolution to work online. Kmail does, but when I went to reply to a client, I found myself back here looking for a solution to the html issues yet again. There is a reason MS grew to the behemoth it is today. Dirty tactics did not occur until it was big enough to own that kind of pressure.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:29 pm
As far as you know it is intended, does not sound like it is a high priority.

Plain English - I am not a Kontact developer. I have no definite news. There is no reason why I would know what the current situation is. I gave you an honest answer. There's no more to say.

I have a relative that I have not been able to get off of AOL for over 17 years, because that is what she is accustom to

Then why try to take her away from her comfort zone?

If you want software that caters for your specific job you will, of course, pay for it. It probably won't be Linux, but there are Linux service providers who may be prepared to write it for you. You have the choice. Use what's available, develop your own, or look elsewhere. Any software that isn't of interest to the majority of users won't be likely to get a developer to work on it in his spare time, free of charge. No, most developers do not have a sense of what you call "first rule of business" because they are not a business. They work on things that interest them.

There's no point in arguing with this - I shan't reply.

annew, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct and a KDE user since 2002.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:30 pm
annew wrote:
I have a relative that I have not been able to get off of AOL for over 17 years, because that is what she is accustom to

Then why try to take her away from her comfort zone?

You apparently missed the point. The point I was making was exactly that. It appears that the Kontact developers are trying to get people out of their comfort zones by not supporting something that is supported by every other email client that I have used, even those available for Linux.

annew wrote:If you want software that caters for your specific job you will, of course, pay for it. It probably won't be Linux, but there are Linux service providers who may be prepared to write it for you. You have the choice. Use what's available, develop your own, or look elsewhere. Any software that isn't of interest to the majority of users won't be likely to get a developer to work on it in his spare time, free of charge. No, most developers do not have a sense of what you call "first rule of business" because they are not a business. They work on things that interest them.

Thank you for repeating my points for me. We are obviously in agreement. BTW, it is not important that the Kontact developers know anything at all about business until they post their first Donate Here button anywhere on their site. At that point, they have become businessmen and have to utilize a modicum of common sense. What has been pointed out repeatedly by other on this thread is kmail is the ONLY email client that strips the html out of the email when one responds to or forwards an html email. Since it is hard to argue that most people who use email want html email, then your statement above "Any software that isn't of interest to the majority of users won't be likely to get a developer to work on it" does not fit with the entire thread here. Others, including myself, have pointed out that the "majority of users want html support in their email clients and the developers of kmail are not including it.

Now, annew, I do not mean this in a derogatory manner, but in light of how you responded to my post, I have to ask, What exactly do you manage?
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:38 am
Glad I found this thread. I just tried importing my email from Thunderbird into KMail 1.13.6, and found there was no way to turn on automatic HTML views. Now I see that there are even more issues with replying to HTML.

As with most people in this thread, I prefer text email but deal with others on a daily basis who use HTML mail. I'd hoped to convert over to using Kontact, but for me (and even more so for my wife) this is an absolute show stopper.

I guess I need to move to Evolution if I want to escape Thunderbird. :(
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:25 pm
DSosnoski wrote:Glad I found this thread. I just tried importing my email from Thunderbird into KMail 1.13.6, and found there was no way to turn on automatic HTML views. Now I see that there are even more issues with replying to HTML.

As with most people in this thread, I prefer text email but deal with others on a daily basis who use HTML mail. I'd hoped to convert over to using Kontact, but for me (and even more so for my wife) this is an absolute show stopper.

I guess I need to move to Evolution if I want to escape Thunderbird. :(

Evolution is very good software, but unfortunately is not even remotely integrated witht the KDE desktop.

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Re: KMail & HTML.

Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:55 pm
Evolution is very good software, but unfortunately is not even remotely integrated witht the KDE desktop.

Yes, I know. That's why I'd wanted to move to Kontact. And Evolution is also just plain ugly. :(

So on second thought, I'll just stay with Thunderbird. It looks like 3.1.8 isn't as bad as the 3.0.x series.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Mon Sep 20, 2021 8:39 pm
Ten years later and it's still not fixed. Just had to fight with kontact to get an html message to actually forward the way it should.

Kontact sucks and I'm not using it. Acting like you know better than users what to do. **** that I'll use something that actually works as expected.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Thu Sep 23, 2021 12:08 am
So I got an email after years of not being here informing me that someone posted to this thread thinking maybe the KDE team finally made email user friendly by allow users to decide whether or not to use html email and all I find is some complaining, rightly so, that over 10 years later, the HDE guys still think they know better than everyone. I wasted my time coming here. I will check back in 10 years.

I would like to have an integrated desktop too. But this one thing is what stopping me from using kde again.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Fri May 13, 2022 2:49 pm
Still a thing in 2022. I wanted to forward a well-designed email to our marketing group (so forwarding from personal email to work email to then send off to marketing). Forwarding will only show in plain text, even though I think there is an option in settings to forward as HTML?

Why not a check box to "keep original formatting"? This way it can more or less default to plain text, but utilize html when needed / warranted? Why is this so hard? If I'm reading this tread right, it's been requested since the 3.x days?

Like others here, I love me some Kontact. This lack of basic email functionality is really hurting me at the moment.
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Re: KMail & HTML.

Fri May 13, 2022 8:48 pm
I too got an email notifying me that someone had replied to this thread. Like the guy before me, I thought maybe, just maybe, the developers finally decided to move into the 21st century. The last post I made here was on Thu Sep 23, 2021 12:08 am . It has been almost 11 years and still not change. Just more people letting the KDE developers know they are way behind the times. In current events we are seeing a lot of censorship by big tech. I guess KDE fits right in with the authoritarians that are censoring so many people today. But we have a choice. I have been using Thunderbird since before I made the last post here almost 11 years ago.


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