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Kmail is hidden and useless at the start of kde session

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My kde is configured to restore previous session when starting up.

I use kmail standalone (i.e. not within kontact). Since it was open when I last quit kde, it should be up and running when I reconnect ; just like other apps do (akregator, amarok...)

Kmail used to behave like that but it doesn't anymore. I don't know why. Maybe it happened after I played around with kontact to see if I wanted to use it or not.

When I start my kde session, there is no sign of kmail.
Yet it is there :
Code: Select all
ps -e | grep kmail
7361 ?        00:00:00 kmail

but it is invisible and it does nothing (it is supposed to download and notify of new mail).

Relaunching kmail does the trick :
Code: Select all
kmail &
[1] 7766

ps -e | grep kmail
7361 ?        00:00:02 kmail
[1]+  Done                    kmail

(and I think it's worth noting that in the end the pid of kmail is the initial one).

What can I do to restore the expected behaviour of kmail being started automatically and working at the beginning of a kde session ?

I tried adding kmail to the Autostart directory even though it defeats the idea of simply restoring the previous session. Anyway that is not satisfactory because I have configured kmail to always remain in the systray and I haven't found which command could allow me to start kmail in the systray.

Thanks for any help.

Kmail 1.13.7 in Kde 4.6.5
Debian testing (wheezy)


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