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KDE Partition Manager

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KDE Partition Manager

Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:31 pm
How do I change the default font size in KDE Partition Manager.

I operate Kubuntu 14.04. I especially like KDE. Nonetheless, I am 72 years old. Lots of people live longer now, so many of us has a need for abilities that are provided in other Linux applications yet not in KDE.

KDE has several different applications that font size can not be increased in size. It can be done, but the change of configuration is not available. Kmail added the zoom feature in their toolbar, but each time I want to read almost anything, I have to select zoom in 5 to 6 times to get a comfortable vision level.

Since Kubuntu is so highly configurable, I suspect I just am missing something, but when I open KDE Partition Editor, the font is too small to read. I used a magnifying glass to read the view properties, and there is no option to zoom in or out. Preferences does not include the option either.

With the larger available monitors, setting a minimum font size much larger would still allow all desired data to be included. Comfortable minimums for me are at least 12 point with 14 and 16 even better. 8 or 9 point print is too small for me to read. I can't even read it when I am close to the monitor looking through my bifocals.

There are applications like Unetbootin, that I would like to use, but I am unable to read anything in their GUI. There are ISO's that are not operating systems that are not recognized in Start Up Disk Creator, but are in Unetbootin. Thanks for reading, and the solution if you have one. :)
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Re: KDE Partition Manager

Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:54 pm
1st I already responded to earlier post re: Kmail - did it work as explained? if so please mark it as solved if not explain what happed in that thread as Kmail belongs in the KdePim forum

2nd as partitionmanager is run as root you need to change the fonts used by root not by you, you do this by running
Code: Select all
kdesudo systemsettings

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

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KDE Developer

Re: KDE Partition Manager

Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:30 pm
Another solutions is to simply increase Font in Systemsettings->Fonts-> Force Fonts DPI (default is 96). This method does not require to use systemsettings in root mode. And the good thing is that it works for ALL applications, even for GTK applications.

Another added bonus will be that soon applications will be able to work in HiDPI mode, so other elements of GUI will also adjust and willl show higher resolution assets. This is still work in progress (e.g. I comitted this change to partitionmanager git repository but it is not released yet).


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