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Status on touch screens (April 2015)

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Like 7 months ago I bought a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro with a touch screen. Before that, I used to use debian with KDE very happily, but since then, I couldn't continue because there was exactly zero support for touch on KDE. KDE treats touch screens like mouse pads. The greatest problem was specifically that I couldn't easily do right clicks. I had to do two-finger touches simultaneously, which is completely impractical.

Therefore, I sadly moved to Windows 8. With all the suffering I'm having aside from Windows because of it being slow and because programming on Windows is almot impossible (I do mostly C and C++ for scientific computation, which is a catastrophe on windows), but touch support is very, very good there.

What's the status on touch support on KDE? Are right clicks supported with a long hold?



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