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How to create my own map *section* versus the entire planet

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Yesterday I posted a question about creating my own planet (viewtopic.php?f=217&t=108786), and that works wonderfully well, but it has a problem. First, let me give you context (taken from the other thread):

I have a fun project with a simulated environment written in a commercial game engine. The environment isn't very large-- really just a single map. I have a vehicle driving around in the game, and would like to display the real-time position of the vehicle in Marble.

Working through that other thread gave me an entire planet generated from my 2000x2000 game-engine-unit map, which I thought was perfect. The rub is this: elsewhere in the system the assumption is made that the "game-engine-unit" is a meter, and that assumption needs to carry over to the maps. What this means is that I cannot create an entire planet from my map-- I must create a very very tiny section of a planet.

Instead of generating tiles from one large image (the installmap), is there a way to say "this image is a map, its corners are at lat1/lon1, lat2/lon2, go!" and leave the rest black? Would this be a custom tiles thing, maybe?

I really appreciate the help!


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