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Ideas on displaying plot over globe surface

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Hi all, This is my first post on here and I'm new to marble, so please bear with me in case I overlooked something in the Marble API documentation or community.

I am hoping to display some geo-specific demographic data as a layer on top of the marble globe (think income by zip code). I would like this image to look like a smoothly interpolated surface plot over the entire surface with a defined colormap, similar to what you see here in these examples ( or from MATLAB's
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I guess I have a couple questions regarding this:

1) Has anybody ever done this using Marble?
2) Is this capability natively supported via functional API that I just overlooked? Something like the following would be very convenient :)
Code: Select all
 renderSurface( vector<Coordinates> *coordinates,  vector<ScoreData> *scores, ColorMap *colorMap...)

3) Are there any suggestions or key terms I should be looking for as I do some more research (I'm not sure I am even using the correct terminology in my search)?
4) I have thought about producing my plot in another tool, exporting it as a png, for example, and then displaying the png in Marble, but I am looking for a completely integrated method that is all the same application. Is there a more efficient method than this?

Thanks for your time! I look forward to your answers.



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