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Marble crashing when entering guidance mode

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Hi all,

I've been testing out Marble and its features and wanted to check out voice-navigation.

I've both Marble KDE and Qt5(5.2) installed on my ubuntu PC. Now whenever I try getting into the guidance mode, marble crashes(both KDE and Qt versions).

Please note that I'm testing this on my PC after searching for a route using offline MoNav route and getting the directions on the routing panel. This occurs every time.
I think this is the same as of this bug mentioned here at,
However, that bug has been marked as fixed. So why am I still getting this issue and how do I resolve this?

P.S: On a different note, what is current exact Qt version supported by Marble? I found it says Qt 5.5+ in the documentation somewhere. Does it extend till 5.7? Because I couldn't get it working in 5.7.0. Did any of try anything higher than 5.5?
Registered Member
Well, I think I found out the solution(not exactly though!)

So, the latest version from GitHub, compiled with Qt 5.5.1 doesn't seem to have this problem. (Does this mean the downloads available through KDE website are outdated? ??? )

Also, compilation on Qt 5.5 is working. Although I had some linking of libraries issue, which I solved by setting the proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH. (I don't think this is a neat solution though. Because I've linked the shared libraries ('something'.so.xx Eg: from sources and some from Qt builds! I know, it's dirty >:D , but it works for the time being. If that's not the way to resolve this "symbol not found" linking error, please guide through the proper way. Until then, I hope this shall help any beginners.

Please note that you might also get this same error for Qt5.5+(Qt5.7.0 which I tested).

P.S: Moderators, Although this works, since I think this not the right way to do it, I am not marking this as solved. (Let me know if I should do otherwise)


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