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Blank screen on macOS

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Blank screen on macOS

Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:45 pm
Hello everyone, I'm currently trying to build and package a Qt/Marble Application for macOS. I originally developed the program on linux (Ubuntu 17.04) and everything currently works. Only when I was near completion, was I told that it also had to be deployed to mac. :o

Well, my problem is this; the marble widget is blank when the program ( .app package ) is deployed to another mac. The widget works fine when the program is run on the development mac machine, both through Qt Creator and when started from the console. I suspect the problem is simply that there are some paths i'm not aware of, that need to be modified. I've tried using setMapThemeId, nothing shows.

Something I've noticed is that when marble is built, the result is an app ( and libmarblewidget-XXX-.dyld. While this is expected, libmarblewidget apparently tries to access, through an absolute path, for data. Any idea why and how to fix this?

Extra Notes:
Application fully works on Ubuntu, CentOS
Its only other external dependency is ZeroMQ.

Here's a picture of the problem IMAGE


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