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How to make a custom MarbleWidgetInputHandler

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I would like to have a starting point to create a custom MarbleWidgetInputHandler so I tried giving Marble an input handler instance like this:

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    /* `this` is a direct subclass of MarbleWidget. The code below is called on the constructor. */
    MarbleModel* handler_model = this->model();
    MarbleMap* handler_map = new MarbleMap(handler_model);
    MarbleAbstractPresenter* handler_presenter = new MarbleAbstractPresenter (handler_map);
    this->ownMarbleHandler01 = new MarbleWidgetInputHandler(handler_presenter, this);

    /*Not calling this keeps whatever the default handler is, spinning/zooming/everything works */

This handler simply doesn't work, the rmb popup does show up and seems to work but Spinning the globe, zooming in or out does not work.

How can I give Marble an input handler that actually work so I can start making my own?


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