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Compile and send to AVR with avr-gcc

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Hi everybody.
First I really sorry for my English(I do the best)
It's just a request(I learn and I can't do it myself yet) . If sb is interested there is no FAQ or template to use avr-gcc to build and send the project to AVR.
Kdevelop is a best IDE i worked with and if somebody make FAQ I will translate it to PL( to make Kdevelop more popular).

Here is toll-chain in java for Eclipse ... 20release/
I found template in ardurion it could be help
Here is example arduino cmake
I think it can be helpful I'm not 100% sure but ardurino should use AVR.

It's output from eclipse for example
Code: Select all
17:42:32 **** Incremental Build of configuration Release for project ADC_POMIAR ****
make all
Building file: ../adc.c
Invoking: AVR Compiler
avr-gcc -Wall -Os -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -std=gnu99 -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -mmcu=atmega8 -DF_CPU=8000000UL -MMD -MP -MF"adc.d" -MT"adc.d" -c -o "adc.o" "../adc.c"
Finished building: ../adc.c
Building target: ADC_POMIAR.elf
Invoking: AVR C Linker
avr-gcc -Wl,-Map, -mmcu=atmega8 -o "ADC_POMIAR.elf"  ./MYUART/myuart.o  ./adc.o ./hd44780s.o ./main.o   
Finished building target: ADC_POMIAR.elf
Invoking: AVR Create Extended Listing
avr-objdump -h -S ADC_POMIAR.elf  >"ADC_POMIAR.lss"
Finished building: ADC_POMIAR.lss
Create Flash image (ihex format)
avr-objcopy -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature -O ihex ADC_POMIAR.elf  "ADC_POMIAR.hex"
Finished building: ADC_POMIAR.hex
Create eeprom image (ihex format)
avr-objcopy -j .eeprom --no-change-warnings --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex ADC_POMIAR.elf  "ADC_POMIAR.eep"
Finished building: ADC_POMIAR.eep
Invoking: Print Size
avr-size --format=avr --mcu=atmega8 ADC_POMIAR.elf
AVR Memory Usage
Device: atmega8

Program:    1642 bytes (20.0% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)

Data:         32 bytes (3.1% Full)
(.data + .bss + .noinit)

Finished building: sizedummy

17:42:32 Build Finished (took 156ms)


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