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Unable to debug a C program

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Unable to debug a C program

Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:24 am

I try to debug a very simple C program in KDevelop (version 5.4.0 on OpenSuse Tumbleweed).

To do so, I created a new session, and a new project inside this session. I choose a Standard template, CMake C, and building type Debug.

(By the way, the first difficulty came when creating this new project: it took me a long time to find out that a '-' in a file name is not permitted.
FAFAICS this condition is not in the Handbook, and the dialogue window doesn't give a hint too).

I deleted the standard Hello world code that appears in the code window, and replaced it with de code I want to debug (some 45 lines of simple C).
The program builds fine, I can Set up a launch (with a dialog window totally different from what is shown in the KDevelop Handbook; but that is based on the 4.4 version from 2012). Both Run->Execute Launch and Run ->Debug Launch show exactly the same dialog window, again totally different from what is shown in the Handbook. One can choose a startup configuration in the dialogue widow that comes up, but regardless the choices, nothing happens so to see.

But that's about as far as I get. I can press the Run button from the menu, but nothing seems to happen.
(When I run the just created executable in a console window outside KDevelop, it does work)

All the debugging tools in the Run sub menu are greyed out.

Is there anyone who can tell me what to do to get a decent debugging environment?

Any help appreciated!
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Re: Unable to debug a C program

Wed Aug 28, 2019 11:33 am
I created a dummy project (CMake C, and building type Debug) and the debugging works fine.

Did you created a breakpoint somwhere in the code, that the execution can stop at this breakpoint ?


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