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snippets are ignoring ${date} and %{date}

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Dear developers,
unfortunately, I have a problem with Kdevelop 5.6.2 that I couldn't
solve even after extensive online research. Probably "I can't see the
forest for the trees"!
In all project templates that are relevant to me (cmake_plaincpp.tar.bz2
and cmake_plainc.tar.bz2), I have added a header to the main.cpp. There
and as a separate text module I would like to implement the date and
time. Sorry, that is not possible. Neither %{date} nor ${date} expand to
the current date after inclusion in the source code. If I try to use the
online text module by Milian Wolf (see below), "%{year}" is not expanded
to the current year (2023) in my source code (main.cpp). Here is his
* This file is part of KDevelop
* Copyright %{year} Milian Wolff <>
* This program .... .

My own template/snippet should look like /usr/share/kdevcodegen/licenses/GPL v3:
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <copyright holder>
by Attorney Georg Michael Steyer, Leverkusen
Created on <day>.<month>.<year>
Rev. 1.000.003 of <day>.<month>.<year>
This program...
But also here "<day>.<month>.<year>" are not expanded to the current date.

Is there a solution or what I'm doing wrong??

Thanks for your help in advance
Registered Member
Same here. Kate snippet date doesn't work. Had to create an external tool linked to a script to do it in Kate.
xdotool type $(date +%H:%M_%d-%m-%y)

This realm's name is Maya. And she speaks Hertz. But Ahamkara makes a fuzz about it.


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