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Kgpg: No passphrase requested when creating new key

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[Moved from Forum Feedback; the "guided posting" put it there but it seems to belong here.]

Running Kubuntu 13.04 (not sure which KDE it has), I used Kleopatra to create a new Kgpg key pair. I got "Certificate created successfully" and a Fingerprint 40 characters long, and did not upload the certificate to a server. The next step was "Finish," and the new one shows in "My Certificates" list. There was no request to specify a passphrase.

I used this new certificate with Kgpg to encrypt a small text file, and could then decrypt it without entering any passphrase. When I asked to decrypt the test file using an older key, I did have to enter that key's passphrase.

Why did the process of creating the new certificate and key pair not ask for the creation of a passphrase?

PS: I found a "Change Passphrase" option (right-click on the certificate) and thought maybe I could use that to create a passphrase, but with either the new certificate or any of the old ones I get "An error occurred... Not Supported."


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