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Konqueror Profiles Deprecated -- What now?

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So, I just updated my Konqueror only to find that File Management is no longer a profile. Worse yet, --profile option is ignored and marked as deprecated...

I tried searching for a solution to this problem, as in what's the new option to use, but nothing. So far I can't find a single page mentioning the removal of the profile option.

What I had was a default profile that automatically opened some tabs and included a side bar with all the mounted devices for easy access... Now I can't find a way to neither save nor reload a session and I'm still trying to figure out how to bring back said sidebar...

I also noted there is a Session configuration but whenever I try to use it (File -> Sessions -> Manage... -> Add New) it never keeps the settings: if I close the Manage Sessions window and reopen it, its always empty... If this is the solution, there is a bug involved (or some permission problem). I still wouldn't know how to start a previously saved session, though.

Any help is greatly appreciated :)

I'm using KDE Plasma 5.8.5, Kernel 4.9.0-15 generic and Konqueror 5.0.97.
Registered Member
I'm having the same problem. I've been using konqueror instead of dolphin for file management (because of an issue reported in the Dolphin Help thread of this forum). After recent updates, konqueror is no longer as useful as before for file management. I would really like to have the profiles and places navigation side panel back again.


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