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I'm not sure where to post this topic. Is there a better location to get help with scanners?
Simple Scan recognizes that I have a Canon PIXMA MX-922 connected and the printer works perfectly. But trying to scan it reports, "Failed to scan. Unable to connect to scanner." If it's any help I had the same problem on Linux Mint before changing to KDE Neon. One peculiarity I've noted - when I go to install Sane (xsane) or Skanlite the dependencies list also says it must un-install the web editor Kompozer! I wonder why? -=Ken=-
Last edited by kenj69 on Thu Sep 27, 2018 7:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
KDE Neon 5.15, ASRock MB with Ryzen 3 1200 and 16 GB RAM, GEForce GT-710
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Nearly two weeks and no attempts to help, encouragement, etc?
OK, can someone advise me on how to troubleshoot this scanner problem? There are many topics asking this very same question on the ubuntu forums and the Mint forums. Linux distros of many kinds seem to have the same problem. This is a problem that really needs to get fixed! And I am sure that this forum has some of the best techies on the planet. I can use Netcat/nc (pretty rusty dealing with plumbing though). I even installed Gufw and watched the requests being generated across my private network. They appear for an instant and then disappear. Simplescan knows that I have a Canon PIXMA MX920 on my network yet reports, "Unable to connect to scanner." Help ----- or please direct me to where I can get help. Thanks, -=Ken=-
KDE Neon 5.15, ASRock MB with Ryzen 3 1200 and 16 GB RAM, GEForce GT-710
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A month - and no replies? Not even a courtesy reply?
I thought I had joined one the most technically advanced forums on the Internet. Perhaps it is - but if no one shares - what it is then?
KDE Neon 5.15, ASRock MB with Ryzen 3 1200 and 16 GB RAM, GEForce GT-710
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Can you see someone who assumes the podium , takes the microphone and says, "Hello, is this thing turned on?"
I am quite happy to have "graduated" from Linux Mint and now use the wonderful, cutting edge KDE Neon. However, this forum is so (what shall I say?) quiet? Peaceful?! Slow? I have tried to do my part by being active in the community and answering some questions here, even though I am not so qualified to do so. But, I am - disappointed in the lack of response in KDE Forums. Perhaps I am spoiled by the great member participation in the Mint Forums. Not even a token response to a question? I don't have the answer but you might try X forum or Y website? I am now spending more time in the ubuntu Forum and the Mint Forum. Maybe they won't notice I'm sporting a shiny new KDE Neon. Signed, Disappointed Ken
KDE Neon 5.15, ASRock MB with Ryzen 3 1200 and 16 GB RAM, GEForce GT-710
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Sorry you've had poor luck with your scanner. As Neon isn't really a distro, this forum may not have the knowledge or experience with your specific hardware setup that a *buntu specific venue may provide.
What things have you attempted, if any, to get it working? Canon provide Linux scanner drivers for your device, and in a quick search I see a number of successes with this exact model on both Mint's forum as well as Ubuntu's. Neon and Mint are based on Ubuntu 16.04, and the SANE scanner drivers there don't have support for your model. I recommend the method of updating to a newer SANE as shown here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2362915 over downloading and installing Canon's driver as the SANE is more up to date, Canon's being from 2012 . You would get regular updates if there are any, as well. The Canon driver set is found here https://www.usa.canon.com/internet/port ... _downloads Select "linux" in the drop-down, the -32 and -64 bit options do not show any packages. I believe you need to extract the content of the archive, and install the 64 bit scangearmp-common and scangearmp deb files (step # 11 from https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/18) I do not know if wireless scanning is supported at all, to be honest.
claydoh, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct, and KDE user since 2001
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Hey claydoh, this is exactly the type of response I was looking for! You say that KDE Neon is not a distribution - and that seems to cause some angst among the ubuntu crowd. Here is a quote from a ubuntu Forum admin to a recent post of mine, "As a point of order, Mint and KDE Neon are not Ubuntu, but independent distributions." He seemed quite adamant about it! From what I have read quite a few of the Kubuntu devs are involved with Neon. What is this, some kind of Nicene war? Seems like Kubuntu and Neon are providing very similar functionality! How come Neon is denied ubuntu family identity? I have been partially successful getting "something" to work. When I bring up Simplescan it properly identifies the Canon AIO device as an MX-922. If I open the firewall GUI, gufw, set it OFF, and watch the port activity, I can see the attempt to communicate and a few seconds later it fails and closes the ports. Strangely, when the firewall is turned back on and all the recommended ports are added to the Rules/Allow - there is no port activity! Weird. So, for testing I turn it off. As you pointed out, Canon makes available an independent scanner driver, scangearmp, which does work. I was able to scan a series of images for a church memorial video I made. However, it is somewhat primitive and will not work with Simplescan, XSANE and Gimp, which is highly desirable. The link you gave to a solved Canon printer problem in the ubuntu Forum was very good! I have collected a number of discussions on this problem in recent weeks but had not found that particular one. I want you to know I appreciate your going the extra mile by posting your search results. I am not helpless but obviously can miss some resources. I went through that post and tried (again) all the recommendations including updating SANE via the "git" repository which should be the vary latest. Same results. Incidentally, regarding your final comment - the command "sane-find-scanner" tries SCSI, USB and parallel ports to find a scanner. No mention of network, wired or wireless. The command scanimage -L reports, "device `pixma:MX920_192.168.0.30' is a CANON Canon PIXMA MX920 Series multi-function peripheral" So, yes, I think there is no support for network nor wireless! Which is strange because the ScangearMP utility seems to talk across my wireless network just fine! What's wrong with this picture???? So, I am still stuck where I was in my original post since I had already gotten that far. I do want to thank you again. Getting responses on this forum has been few and far in between. One of the reasons I switched to KDE Neon is so I could run an up to date version of Kdenlive that wouldn't crash all the time. And getting help for Kdenlive is tough as well. Enough for tonight. Thanks again. And best wishes. -=Ken=-
KDE Neon 5.15, ASRock MB with Ryzen 3 1200 and 16 GB RAM, GEForce GT-710
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Guess what? IT WORKS
![]() Signed, Happy, happy, happy Ken ![]()
KDE Neon 5.15, ASRock MB with Ryzen 3 1200 and 16 GB RAM, GEForce GT-710
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Here is the procedure I am posting on several forums:
After much trial and error I can report the sucessful setup of the Canon PIXMA MX-920 series All-In-One scanner on network/wifi. 3/30/2018 1. Terminal: "sane-find-scanner" command shows only SCSI, USB and parallel-port scanners. No network printers will show up using this command! 2. Terminal: "scanimage -L" command returns, device `pixma:MX920_192.168.0.30' is a CANON Canon PIXMA MX920 Series multi-function peripheral (at least mine does since installing the Canon printer). Best to assign a static IP address. 3. Using software center/package manager add 'sane' scanner graphical "backend." Also add sane-utils and libsane-extras. Terminal: sudo apt install sane sane-utils libsane-extras 4. Add sane-git repository in order to recieve updates: Terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:reolfbensch/sane-git Terminal: sudo apt-get updates 5. Install a scanner "frontend" application such as Xsane, Simplescan or similar. 6. Firewall, by default, blocks most incoming requests. To allow scanner traffic add 'Scanner' both directions on port 8612. Ref: https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux ... ane-pixma/ References (thank you to all resource owners!): 1. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2362915 2. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/sane 3. http://www.sane-project.org/sane-frontends.html -=Ken=-
KDE Neon 5.15, ASRock MB with Ryzen 3 1200 and 16 GB RAM, GEForce GT-710
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I ask for help, my canon all-in on scanner is not recognised to ![]() It is a TS6151 plugged on USB port. Printer is recognised, not scanner ! "sane-find-image" command tells "found USB scanner ..." "scanimage -L" tells "no scanners was indentified.. ", neither Simple scan, of course I went on canon page https://www.canon.fr/support/consumer_products/products/fax__multifunctionals/inkjet/pixma_ts_series/pixma-ts6151.html?type=drivers&language=fr&os=linux%20(64-bit) and lounch install.sh from scangearmp2-3.50-1-deb on Konsole Install message ok But still not recognised ... Also used "sudo apt install sane sane-utils libsane-extras" On windows, my scanner was recognised, not under KDE ![]() Note : louch install.sh from cnijfilter2-5.50-1-deb on Konsole worked for the printer part (added manuel installed printer to auto installed TS6000 series) So I'm stuck. Any Hint ? Thanks. Vincent |
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FWIW: please do not highjack 2 year old threads about one specific printer model which is different from yours...
In your case, I fear the only thing you can do is complain to Canon, the whole range of PIXMA TS are badly supported on Linux, and that is due to the manufacturer not disclosing their proprietary protocols and not shipping decent Linux drivers. Hint: if you ever consider buying an all-in-one printer again, please check this website first: https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/openpr ... abaseintro
Running Kubuntu 22.10 with Plasma 5.26.3, Frameworks 5.100.0, Qt 5.15.6, kernel 5.19.0-23 on Ryzen 5 4600H, AMD Renoir, X11
FWIW: it's always useful to state the exact Plasma version (+ distribution) when asking questions, makes it easier to help ... |
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You could try temporarily shutting off your firewall. Then, if scanimage -L finds it, you will have to open an incoming port. I find the 'gufw' utility easy to use for this. It took me awhile watching the firewall ports activity before I got the proper ports opened up. See my Step 6. -=Ken=-
KDE Neon 5.15, ASRock MB with Ryzen 3 1200 and 16 GB RAM, GEForce GT-710
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Thanks to both of you for your reactivity. Unfortunately, shutting off the firewall or open an incoming port was without effect : same response of scanimage -L : no scanner found. Yet i lurn about "gufw". Thanks kenj69. Thanks Mamarok for the link to printer with linux-compatibility. But i'm not ok with new purchasing. Do not appear to me to be an environmentally responsible response. Note that I can offer my actuel printer to someone who needs it ... Have a nice day. Vincent |
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