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Can I run KDE Connect without a display server?

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here Can I run KDE Connect without a display server? this question is crisp with:
Yes, you can pass the command line argument -platform offscreen to the daemon -platform offscreen to the daemon eg:
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killall -9 kdeconnectd; /usr/lib/libexec/kdeconnectd -platform offscreen

answered. Entering "man kdeconnectd" generates "No manual entry for kdeconnectd" for me. I would be happy if someone adds any hints to the answer above here:

  • This killall command is executed on system XY without a screen, correct?
  • It certainly matters that on this server XY there is no directory
    Code: Select all
    and accordingly no file kdeconnectd exists?
  • What can I do to access a server without screen via KDE Connect?
Thank You!


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