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Kate editor adding extra blank line to text file

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I am using Kate as my editor of choice whilst teaching myself C programming. At the moment I have developed a very small program to read strings from an external text file, and save the strings I want into a new external text file.

When I set up my external text file with test data, I ensure that I do not(!) leave a blank line at the end of this file. Yet, when I save the file and then immediately re-open the file in Kate, I find that Kate has added a blank line to the end of the file. This is causing my C program to operate incorrectly as it is picking up that extra blank line and writing it out to a new external text file.

Is there something in Kate's settings that can be (re)set to stop Kate from adding that extra blank line to the end of a text file ?

I have looked through Kate's settings but cannot see anything obvious that would help with this.



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