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Konqueror search doesn't work

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Konqueror search doesn't work

Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:41 pm
This is really weird. I am trying to find out how alt-tab is dealt with by the system, so in a terminal I did
sudo umount -a
(to limit the search to only the system) and with Konqueror search searched for
which gave no results. I thought this was strange, so for a test I looked into a random file, found the line 'AES-256: gcry_rijndael' and decided to search for
which gave no results either. When it should. I did the search in /, in files named *, had selected 'include subfolders' and 'show hidden files', no case sensitive search (all first tab), searching in all files and folders, binary files included (both second tab) and no specific properties selected (third tab). So what is going wrong? I have used Konqueror search many times, but never encountered this problem.


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