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Windows Portable Version of Kexi

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Stephen Leibowitz
Registered Member

Windows Portable Version of Kexi

Fri Aug 30, 2019 5:21 pm
I have written a batch file to run Kexi from portable storage (a removable drive). It makes portable the AppData\Local folder. The batch file should be on the same drive as Kexi, but does not have to be in the same folder.
Code: Select all
cd /d  %~d0\3.2.0 Preview 2019-04-01 (e2eb6f465)
:: This will set USERPROFILE to the "3.2.0 Preview 2019-04-01 (e2eb6f465)" folder.
:: The program uses this as the parent for the AppData\Local folder.
:: An alternative is to set USERPROFILE to a folder on the same drive,
:: but outside of the "3.2.0 Preview 2019-04-01 (e2eb6f465)" folder.
START "Kexi"  /D bin  kexi-3.2.exe
The current stable version of Kexi is 3.2.0. The binary files do not come in a 7z archive. I tried extracting the files from the .exe installer using Universal Extractor 2, but it did not perform a complete extraction. So I installed Kexi to the hard disk, copied the installed files/folders to a removable drive, and uninstalled from the hard disk (“install/copy/uninstall”).

When you start a new project, Kexi will propose a location and name for the new project file. It may start with a drive letter, such as H: . Drive letter assignments can change for removable drives. To store to the same removable drive as the Kexi program, the user should delete an explicit drive assignment. In this case, delete H: . To increase the separation from the code, the user can specify a location for the project file that is outside the Kexi program folder.
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Thanks Stephen!
Moved to a Discussion forum since your idea is pretty completely implemented :)

You mention that we do not offer a zipped files with KEXI. Yes, they are not listed in releases but there are .7z in the snapshots:

It may be a good idea to incorporate some portable goodies from you in the zipped version.

Regarding the drive assignments, it applies to any software, not just portable. But since KEXI uses relative paths whenever possible, and the document stores everything in one file (in case of file databases), changing letters is not a problem. With exception of shortcuts (the Welcome screen).

If you see any ideas for improvements feel free to discuss it or share (

Best regards!

Best regards,
Jarosław Staniek
• Qt Certified Specialist
KEXI - Open Source Visual DB Apps Builder
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