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Inserting CSV in an existing table

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Inserting CSV in an existing table

Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:29 pm
This is one of the features I am lacking the most.

At this moment Kexi allows you to import a csv file and creates a new table from it. However, there's no way to only add the data contained in a csv into an existing table. One could argue that you can delete the table and create a new one from the import file but there are a number of cases in which that won't work, for example:
    1. you want to merge data from a table and a csv file with the same structure
    2. you want to import data into a table which is used in queries and/or relations and you do not want to do again that work
    3. one of the CSV fields should be unique. Since there's no way to achieve that, you have to import the CSV and edit the table's design, but (don't know why) the data is deleted as soon as you make any changes into it

Hope anyone can provide a solution for this.

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Hello Carlos,
Thank you for the well explained need and also the wish filed at This helped to openly set priority for a task: please expect the feature in Kexi 2.6 :)

Should you have more requests please do not hesitate to post them here and/or to the forum for discussion.

Best regards,
Jarosław Staniek
• Qt Certified Specialist
KEXI - Open Source Visual DB Apps Builder
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