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Current wish list

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Current wish list

Fri Jan 11, 2013 5:16 pm
I've been using Kexi for a couple of years now and it has improved since I started. However, there are some things that are missing and I'm not sure if it's really missing or that I just haven't found them yet. Anyway, here's my current Kexi wish list. If some or all of these features are already supported in newer versions of Kexi, please let me know:

1. Ability to do multi-field searches while in form mode and edit them. Sqlitemanager is able to do this.
2. Ability to do a search and replace. Example: Do a search on all records with 90210 zipcodes and change them all to 90211.
3. Ability to delete more than one record at a time. Example: Do a search on all records with customers who have moved out of the state and delete them all.

Kexi 2.4.1
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Re: Current wish list  Topic is solved

Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:03 pm
Thanks kexian, as always good explanation. I am going to transfer that to our TODO wikis and also to wish items on

There is one pattern we can observe in the 'data replace' feature request. It can be delivered in at least two ways:
1. within a Replace dialog, similar to the one offered by spreadsheets
2. within query of type UPDATE

The 2nd is more generic. But even regardless of man months needed to implement it, 1st has its right to be existence: it is a simplified, ad-hoc tool for performing replaces. So no redundancy here, so 2nd wouldn't replace the 1st. The same applies to deleting records.

There are many, many cases like these. Because of resource/time constraints, features that are less expensive in implementation would materialize first, the cost is the dominant factor. The bottom line is to get Kexi covering more use cases sooner than later.

Best regards,
Jarosław Staniek
• Qt Certified Specialist
KEXI - Open Source Visual DB Apps Builder
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