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We have just upgraded to Mint 18.2 for this.
I have the following documentation:
Kexi/Porting to Qt&KF 5 Guidelines and HOWTOs/Build from Source This is what I have done so far. 1 Directory structure $HOME/kde/src/ source code $HOME/kde/build/kexi directory that Kexi will be built in $HOME/kde/inst5 2 Git configuration Git installed and the following ~/.gitconfig created
3 Pulled the repository thus
4 Build Requirements Qt5 version 5.5.1 installed from my distro KDE Frameworks - this is where the wheels fall off ![]() I must build kdesrc-build first so that I can build KDb, KProperty, & KReport 5 Install kdesrc-build
also that last line added to .bashrc manually, no other PATH code there link in ~/bin confirmed as kdesrc-build -> /home/inksi/kde/src/kdesrc-build/kdesrc-build closed and opened terminal echo $PATH shows path inclusive of ~/bin
I see that kdesrc-build-setup is a perl script. my perl is working (replies to $ perl -version) I venture to run it as $ perl -w kdesrc-build-setup but get the same 'Segmentation fault' ![]() Sunday October 15th 2007: This was a Perl issue related to my Mint upgrade. Re-install of Perl local::lib solved the issue and my build of kdesrc-build was completed. 6 Build the required frameworks It was not necessary to edit ~/.kdesrc-buildrc to comment out the lines: include ~/kde/src/kdesrc-build/kf5-workspace-build-include include ~/kde/src/kdesrc-build/kf5-applications-build-include include ~/kde/src/kdesrc-build/kf5-kdepim-build-include as they were not actually in the rc file created by running kdesrc-build-setup, being deselected during the GUI of that setup one active section therefore after 'end global'. viz: include ~/kde/src/kdesrc-build/kf5-frameworks-build-include After installing from my package manager the following (following build errors shown in cmake.log): libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5widgetaddons-dev libkf5guiaddons-dev I was able to run the following successfully
The building of KReport was not successful. The error message indicates a missing Qt5QmlConfig.cmake
(I verified that libQt5ml.so.5.5.1 is installed) Having made a post on the KDE Frameworks & Development forum there has been no response. I do not feel confident in taking the action suggested in the error message, it is not specific enough for me to follow. I plan to create a new user and then run through the whole install process again as a clean run to see if the error persists. 7 Further efforts In "Guidelines and HOWTOs/Build from source" Section Missing Qt5Config.cmake gives the solution as the installation of qtbase5-dev thus:
I have installed the latest version and the problem remains, it does not solve the build error in my case. If I were to specifically follow the instructions in the cmake.log file error as given above, ie. Add the installation prefix of "Qt5Qml" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or .... So I am not sure where /what to put but in .kdesrc-buildrc I added the following:
but cmake.log shows an error with the above path merely tacked onto /kde/src/.... So still trying but will have to regress to kexi2 if I do not solve this in the very near future. best Ian
Last edited by inksi on Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
![]() Moderator ![]()
(Changed subject of this thread from install to build)
Good explanation Ian, and patience too ![]() |
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There was no input to my query on the forum suggested.
Taking the error message at face value, ignoring the suggested workaround and assuming that maybe the package was maybe just not installed, I looked in the directory tree at: usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/Qt5Qml which showed that directory and contents were not installed. To install the needed qtdeclaratives5-dev I ran
and further inspection showed the missing directory /Qt5Qml now installed. A helpful discussion was from this source, dating back to early this year. https://sourceforge.net/p/smb4k/discussion/help/thread/299bf31d/ Why qtdeclaratives5-dev was not installed I cannot comment. I was then able to build kreports ![]() I will move on shortly to hopefully a successful build of kexi3 Ian |
![]() Moderator ![]()
Great to see the progress, Ian!
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