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How do I print my database?

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How do I print my database?

Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:40 pm
I've just downloaded and installed Kexi v.3.1.0, and produced my first database successfully, saving and opening it again.
But how can I print a hard copy? I can't see a 'print' button anywhere.
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Re: How do I print my database?

Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:32 pm
Hi Alfred,
Thanks for using KEXI!

Option 1. You can create report based on a table or query and print it. Go to Report's preview and click Print.
You can alternatively Click Report menu in the same Report's preview (near the Data button) and export to PDF or Web page. Then you can print such files using external apps of choice.

Option 2. Printing table or query directly, without a report: for now you can print them only using 3rd-party application, e.g. a spreadsheet app. To do so export data to CSV - right click table name or query name in the Project navigator and click Export->To clipboard and paste the data to a compatible app. Or click Export->To file and open the file in a compatible app. Then print within that app.

Best regards,
Jarosław Staniek
• Qt Certified Specialist
KEXI - Open Source Visual DB Apps Builder
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