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How to share a Kexi file

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How to share a Kexi file

Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:10 pm
hi guys, I'm new In this and I need your help. I created and interface in kexi with data base, but now I want to know how to share it and see what i made In mi tablet.
¿how I can share it?
¿what is the app that I have to download to see it In my tablet? thank you so much for your help !
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Re: How to share a Kexi file

Thu May 14, 2020 5:25 pm
There's no native KEXI app for tablets (not yet). We've had a project to share projects via web pages (true web server) but it is discontinued. This direction would be most rewarding, I suppose, if we gather budget to implement it, then why now.

Current solution for the tabled would be limited to viewing tables. Use any app that you have there and open the file, it's a standard SQLite 3 file plus meta-data. Executing queries is possible they will be the app's queries though, not KEXI's defined queries so you'd need to replicate them. Forms and reports - use will need any tools that you have (if threre's any) installed on the device as well.

Best regards,
Jarosław Staniek
• Qt Certified Specialist
KEXI - Open Source Visual DB Apps Builder
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