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Dolphin and network shares

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Dolphin and network shares

Wed May 21, 2014 10:07 pm
Hi everybody, I'm new on KDE forums.
I'm a French archlinux user on a X64 arch. My KDE version is the latest stable one known today (4.13.1).

I'm here today because I have two problems about Dolphin I would like to talk about.

First Problem
Since yesterday, I can't write a new file using Dolphin in a SMB partition (NAS) mounted in /media/Data. I have an error saying "Unable to write file, Disk full". Of course, I have plenty of space on that partition.

Here is my /etc/fstab just in case, but it was working with it before (more than a year I haven't changed it)
Code: Select all
//  /media/Data  cifs  noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=8,sec=ntlm,uid=amarok_user,credentials=/etc/cifs.credentials  0  0

I think it is related to Dolphin as I can open an ISO file with ark and "save as" on that partition with no issue. Also, I was able to copy a 700Mb file using konsole. But still having the "disk full" issue when using Dolphin.

If think the problem appeared when upgrading from kdebase-dolphin 4.13.0-1 to 4.13.1-1.

Second Problem
When I browse my NAS with Dolphin through network (smb://ip-address/folder), I can see all files and write on disk. But if I open a file directly, I have a notification that the file is being transferred (don't know where, but probably a temp folder in my /home) and then the file opens. It does that with all files I open (picture, ISO, ODT, PDF etc...) and of course it's a lot longer to open it (depending on the file's size).
With videos, VLC gives me this error "VLC can't open « smb://nas/Data/music.mp3 ». Check messages for more details" but no more details ;(.

If I open the same files through my mounted folder (/media/Data) set up in /etc/fstab, it works normally and just open the file. This issue only appears when browsing via KIO (smb://NAS/DATA).

Little precision, this second problem is here since the begining I use KDE (4.2). I don't really care as I mount my share in a local folder, but I'm thinking this can't be the normal way to work.

Are you also having issues like that?


I think that's the only problems I have with KDE. Except that, I love this desktop environment. The only one I use since a long time. Thanks to everybody involved making that DE so powerfull.
Can't wait for the future of KDE.

Thanks in advance for your help
ps : sorry for English mistakes as this is not my first language.

Re: Dolphin and network shares

Thu May 22, 2014 7:57 am
The first problem is

About the second problem: I'm not extremely familiar with the KIO internals, so I don't really know why the entire file is downloaded for some protocols. Maybe the smb kioslave does not have support for accessing files in any other way.
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Re: Dolphin and network shares

Sat May 24, 2014 10:25 am
The entire file is transferred in that case as it is likely being opened in an application which does not declare that it supports URLs. In that case, KIO acts as an intermediary for it and copies the file to the local system, before asking the application to open that instead.

If the application declares support for URLs (as VLC does) then this transfer won't happen, but the application will be relied on to be able to handle the smb:// URL - which it appears VLC isn't able to in this case (likely due to authentication issues). With KDE applications, this mechanism should always work as they all use KIO - and therefore can share credentials, etc.

Problem #2 can't be fixed i'm afraid - other than through using a local mount as you're doing at the moment. The only fix to this would be to implement a fuse mount for KIO, which the maintainers of KIO have ruled out as a possibility - because network connectivity failures could then freeze the system. With the current KIO model, this is not possible - applications will gracefully handle the failure.

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