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Dolphin panel no longer shows image resolution

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Recently the panel that sits below the places panel (not sure of the name of this), no longer shows certain properties. Images used to show the resolution (pixel dimensions) i.e. 1920x1080 or whatever. I am wondering why this has happened. I have no way of making it show up. And the new options to show the pixel dimensions directly under the file name, when checked, show a blank line. So I no longer have a way to see the dimensions unless I open each one in Gimp or Gwenview.

Did an update change this property? Is a package missing? Is there a setting I am missing?

And just an FYI, I do not have Nepomuk turned on and never have, so nothing is indexed. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Any clue on what is happening and how to fix it?

Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.13.0
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OS :(
Still waiting on a real fix I'm afraid.
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Thanks for the info. Looks like Baloo will eventually take over that info when Nepomuk changes.

Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.13.0
Registered Member
mitya wrote:Thanks for the info. Looks like Baloo will eventually take over that info when Nepomuk changes.

What do you mean with that?

Baloo has replaced Nepomuk in 4.13. And dolphin's information panel (which is actually provided by Nepomuk/Baloo) uses Baloo now since 4.13.0.

There was this bug (mentioned by metzman), that the information panel did not show any Metadata at all (including the image dimensions) for files that are not indexed.
This should be fixed in 4.13.3 now which is to be released next week. (although it might take a bit longer until your distribution provides updated packages)

There is still one problem left: if you have file indexing enabled, metadata in indexed folders will not be shown until the file is actually indexed.
I'm not sure whether this will also be fixed until the 4.13.3 release or not.
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wolfi323 wrote:
mitya wrote:Thanks for the info. Looks like Baloo will eventually take over that info when Nepomuk changes.

What do you mean with that?

Baloo has replaced Nepomuk in 4.13. And dolphin's information panel (which is actually provided by Nepomuk/Baloo) uses Baloo now since 4.13.0.

Well... since I did not know that Baloo was hired to replace Nepomuk (who seems to be retiring), I thought I would come back to my thread and leave some sort of resolution post for people who may have the same issue.

Often I find that when an individual searches a forum for a resolution to a problem, the subject can be found, but many threads don't seem to have a conclusion. And then there is always the person who posts "did you search the forum?" to the next individual who starts a new thread on the same or similar question. I was just trying to come back and post what I found out. I suspect many people get the problem solved and just abandon their thread.

I use Kubuntu, and I LOVE KDE! But I have no way of getting current updates emailed to me on what is happening or changing. And I never have enough time to come and read what's up often enough. Is there a subscription for current news?

I am currently using 4.13.2, so it will be nice to have 4.13.3 when Kubuntu sends it out. I never had Nepomuk active or indexing anything, I really did not use it. It's nice to know the bug will be fixed. I use that info a lot.

Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.13.0
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Are there any threads or issues in particular you found which didn't have a conclusion? Unfortunately in some cases a workaround or permanent fix can't be found - or it is a bug which can only be resolved by changes to the code.

KDE Sysadmin
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mitya wrote:I use Kubuntu, and I LOVE KDE! But I have no way of getting current updates emailed to me on what is happening or changing. And I never have enough time to come and read what's up often enough. Is there a subscription for current news?

Read the release announcements on ;)
There's always a link there to the "list of changes".

Updates are released monthly, see here:

If you want to get the announcements mailed to you, you could subscribe to the kde-announcement mailinglist:

For regular updates of what's happening in KDE, you might visit f.e. (this also has a RSS feed), but of course not every bug fix is mentioned there.

I am currently using 4.13.2, so it will be nice to have 4.13.3 when Kubuntu sends it out. I never had Nepomuk active or indexing anything, I really did not use it.

As I wrote, it's Nepomuk/Baloo that provides that information panel, and the extractors for the metadata. Even if you have Nepomuk/Baloo disabled.
For indexed files it gets the metadata from the index though, which might be faster.

That's the reason why this bug even existed, of course.
Registered Member
bcooksley wrote:Are there any threads or issues in particular you found which didn't have a conclusion? Unfortunately in some cases a workaround or permanent fix can't be found - or it is a bug which can only be resolved by changes to the code.

I was really speaking in general terms, not specifically to KDE forums. I search a lot of different computer forums since moving to Linux. Learning can be frustrating when you find a thread on an issue you need solved and then it has no ending. Like someone ripping out the last chapter of a book. :(

I really appreciate when people let you know it's a bug, or it's a "won't fix" or the feature was actually removed, or someone just forgot to post the fix but came back to complete the story.

Since I have fewer problems with KDE and more questions/issues with Linux in general, I don't search the forum here too often.

Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.13.0
Registered Member
wolfi323 wrote:As I wrote, it's Nepomuk/Baloo that provides that information panel, and the extractors for the metadata. Even if you have Nepomuk/Baloo disabled.
For indexed files it gets the metadata from the index though, which might be faster.

That's the reason why this bug even existed, of course.

Thanks for the links, very helpful.

So, just to clarify, are you saying that Baloo will need to index all the files to display the metadata in the panel? I have a number of images that do not have exif data (png, gif, jpg) and that's actually how this issue started for me. I was trying to rename images with Krename (love it!) and it could not add image size to the file name because there was no exif data for some files. Previously those files had their data showing in the panel so I could at least manually rename them with the size added.

Do you know what tool Baloo is using to to read non-exif images and returning it's size to the display?

Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.13.0
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Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:36 pm
just to show my ignorance on this topic - why is Baloo or Nepomuk needed to provide the dimensions of an image file? I open Thunar (Xfce's filemanager) and under properties it displays dimensions, I would guess it uses neither Baloo nor Nepomuk to have this data available. Also, though not for me, in the Ubuntu forum it was claimed that the dimensions show in the status bar ... st12666207

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

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mitya wrote:So, just to clarify, are you saying that Baloo will need to index all the files to display the metadata in the panel?

Well, at the moment (in 4.13.2) yes, because of that bug.
But this should work for _all_ files again, also those that are _not_ indexed, in 4.13.3.

Do you know what tool Baloo is using to to read non-exif images and returning it's size to the display?

It contains it's own plugin for that. (kfilemetadata actually)
AFAICS that uses libexiv2 to get all informations (i.e. EXIF data and image dimensions) from the image files.
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Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:53 pm
google01103 wrote:just to show my ignorance on this topic - why is Baloo or Nepomuk needed to provide the dimensions of an image file?

Well, it's not exactly _needed_.
But Nepomuk/Baloo provide the metadata extractors (as it needs them for indexing anyway) that are used by the information panel.

Applications not using Nepomuk's/Baloo's information widget can of course extract that information however they want.
Gwenview f.e. does not use Nepomuk/Baloo for that AFAIK.

As dolphin's information panel is provided by Nepomuk/Baloo it uses it's metadata extractors of course, it would not make sense to duplicate the same stuff.
The added benefit of course is that the data can be taken from the index if available.

Before 4.10 strigi was used for that.

I open Thunar (Xfce's filemanager) and under properties it displays dimensions, I would guess it uses neither Baloo nor Nepomuk to have this data available

Of course not, as it's no KDE application.
And of course there are other ways to extract that information than to use Nepomuk/Baloo's extractor plugins. F.e. using libexiv2 directly.
But again, why duplicate this functionality in dolphin's information panel if it is already available in Nepomuk/Baloo, which is used anyway for the comment/tagging/rating stuff.

Also, though not for me, in the Ubuntu forum it was claimed that the dimensions show in the status bar ... st12666207

But this is about Thunar. Why should it not be able to show dimensions?
There are many other applications that can do that of course.


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