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Location Bar Changes for NFS Shared Directories

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I have NFS shares mounted in various directories on my laptop.

When I access these directories with Dolphin, the Location Bar changes to read, for example: "/home/myusername/Storage on 192.168.1.X", rather than
">Storage>Server Storage", which is what it would read if the share was not mounted there.

I understand the benefit of alerting the user to the fact that a directory is a network share, but messing with the Location Bar is inconvenient and counter-intuitive. For example, if I want to go back up a couple of levels, rather than click on that directory in the location bar, I have to click on the "Go up" arrow twice, or click once on the up arrow, and then use the location bar. It is even more cumbersome if I want to move "sideways", where I would normally click on the preceding arrow, and choose the directory from there.

This may sound trivial, but it can be really annoying when I'm in a hurry, and I have to stop and think about navigation rather than assume the intuitive behaviour that I'm used to.

I've looked for a setting to change this but can't find one.

Am I missing something ???
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I found something of a work-around.

The Location Bar behaves normally if there is a sym-link at any point before the nfs share.

So I made a sym-link to my Storage directory (my shares are all mounted somewhere inside that directory). Then I edited the Storage entry in the Dolphin Location panel to point to the link, rather than the actual directory.

Now, I can happily work away inside my sym-linked Storage without the Location Bar going "weird" on my. :)

I'll mark this as solved in case anyone has a similar problem.


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