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cb7 comic previewer for plasma 5?

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cb7 comic previewer for plasma 5?

Mon May 18, 2015 8:04 pm
Really loving the direction that KDE is taking with plasma 5. I like it so much I have it installed on my Arch build on my laptop that I use as my main personal computer for school.

One thing I can't find is a plugin for dolphin that will enable a file preview thumbnail for cb7 files. (A 7z archive containing images). There is a plugin made for kde 4, but it will not install as it requires the KDE 4 desktop as a dependency.

All other comic formats are working - CBR and CBZ show thumbnails. I do have p7zip and p7zip installed.

Is cb7 support not available yet in the default comic viewer plugin, or am I missing something?


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