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Getting picture preview with Dolphin via camera:

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Registered Member
Hi everyone,

I've got a broken Android phone from Samsung. The touch screen doesn't work any more, so that I can't unlock it.
It's not worth to repair it, but I want to save the data from it.
When I plugged the phone to my computer I got an "mtp:" and a "camera:" device. mtp didn't allow me to show the content of the locked phone, but by using camera, I was able to browse in the directories and even previews of pictures were possible. Unfortunalety I wasn't able to open any file or copy it to the computer.

I found out that the pictures were copied to the /tmp folder in order to create thumbnails for them. Afterwards they were removed from the tmp folder.
So there needs to be a way to copy the pictures from the phone.
As I am a regular user and this task seems a little bit "advanced" my question: How can I copy these files as if they were a preview, or how do I run the preview process manually?
I did some lookup for services, but as I'm not experienced in dbus and similar things, I didn't get any process which could be run manually.

So, anybody with an idea to run this preview task manually and get the copied pictures?

Thanks a lot!
Registered Member
I got it working.

Code: Select all
gphoto2 --get-all-files

Copied all media content from the locked phone.


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