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Keep track of all users' actions

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Keep track of all users' actions

Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:21 pm
Hi all,

I currently administer a machine that is used by around 8 people, using Debian and KDE. Each one has his/her own user/password to log in to the machine, and all them share one folder that has various media files, with read and write access to it. They all work collaborately in the same files.

Recently, seems like some people want to mess the system up. I am afraid they might try to delete files or do worse things.

What I need to know is if there is a way for me to create a log that lists all actions taken by every user in their Dolphin browser.

I mean, I need to know, in the case of a file being altered or deleted in a forbidden manner, if there is a way I could have Dolphin to register the steps taken by every user, so that I could find the user to blame. I know of some tools that do this for their command line/terminal access, but I need to monitor their Dolphin Browser actions also.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


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