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Webdav problem in deleting file

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Webdav problem in deleting file

Sat Apr 21, 2018 7:02 pm
I connected to my webdav folder and tried to delete a file called 'test' and another called 'test.txt'. When I delete it, I get back the response "An unexpected error (400) occurred while attempting to delete the specified file or folder".

When I go to the server' s logs, I see that the request is DELETE /disk/test/ HTTP/1.1" 400 -- which tries to delete a directory.

Even the file with the extension registers as DELETE /disk/test.txt/ HTTP/1.1" 400.

I installed cadaver and tried the same deletion, and it works perfectly, but in the server logs I see

DELETE /disk/test.txt HTTP/1.1" 204
DELETE /disk/test HTTP/1.1" 204

Can someone help me as to whether this is a problem related to Dolphin or my server configuration, and if it is Dolphin-related, is there something I could do about it? I really like Dolphin & I would like to use it as my default file browser.

Thanks in advance,
Alexios Tsiaparas
Registered Member

Re: Webdav problem in deleting file

Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:31 pm
Hello Alexios,

I can't help you with your issue but I'm glad to be not alone with this problem. I was afraid of being hit by an apache misconfiguration. My investigations where the same:

1. viewing apache log during delete
2. crosscheck with cadaver on the same machine
3. another crosscheck with os from redmond

This is what I found in the apache logfiles while trying to delete with dolphin and webdav-kio:
Code: Select all
==> error_log <==
[Mon Oct 01 17:14:58.526621 2018] [dav:error] [pid 16506:tid 2556345152] [client] Could not fetch resource information.  [400, #0]
[Mon Oct 01 17:14:58.526716 2018] [dav:error] [pid 16506:tid 2556345152] [client] The URL contains extraneous path components. The resource could not be identified.  [400, #0]
[Mon Oct 01 17:23:03.939299 2018] [headers:debug] [pid 26449:tid 2606701376] mod_headers.c(900): AH01503: headers: ap_headers_error_filter()

Code: Select all
==> access_log <== - user [01/Oct/2018:17:14:58 +0200] "DELETE /storage/Probe/test.txt/ HTTP/1.1" 400 226

No clue clue found why it doesn't work.

And now again for the pros: Why can't we delete a file through webdav-kio (krusaders fails also)?



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