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Questions about git usage in dolphin

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Questions about git usage in dolphin

Thu Aug 01, 2019 10:40 am
Today I discovered on this page here that dolphin has git actions integrated, and it's just what I needed.
I am having some issues though and I couldn't find a place with more information. These are the questions:
  • Can I use git urls with https instead of git protocol? I had to change my url to use git urls, but I missed a dialog requesting the password/kwallet
  • Where are the logs stored, I am seeing messages such as "Pulling branch master from origin failed." but I can't see a deeper reason
  • Can I enable a confirmation after push?
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Keep in mind that the service menus are by no means comprehensive and are provided primarily for convenience in interacting with various VCS. They generally rely on the corresponding command-line tools for most of their functionality.

* Use of different protocols would depend on how you have git set up. Make sure the command-line git is working the way you want and the service menus should respect that.
* The results of git commands are most likely just reported in the status/error messages you see without logging anywhere else. To get further details you'd have to use another tool or run the git command directly from a terminal.
* What kind of a confirmation are you looking for? I do see that the results of these commands will display in Dolphin's status bar. Again, additional details will be provided by using dedicated tools or running from the command-line. That said, I could see benefit in presenting an information toast with the results; file a case to to get changes here.

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.


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