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dolphin "Devices" panel entry links to the wrong location

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In my fstab file, I have an entry to mount a partition on a data drive (not the / drive).
Code: Select all
# shared linux data partition, /home is here by a bind mount
UUID=a89334f7-59b7-4d04-b89b-a5a30c379644  /mnt/linux_data  ext4  defaults  1 2

I have a second bind entry that binds /home to a folder on that partition.
Code: Select all
# bind mount /home to directory to /01_centos under /linux_data
/mnt/linux_data/01_centos/  /home   none  bind   0 0

There also exists /mnt/linux_data/01_centos/user_name which is the directory with all of the /home data.
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The above works in that if I click on the "Home" icon under "Places" I am taken to my /home directory as expected. The dolphin location bar reads /home/username, also as expected thought this directory is actually /mnt/linux_data/01_centos/user_name as specified above.

The problem is that when I click on the "linux_data" icon on the "Devices" panel, I am taken to /home where I can see my user_name directory. The location bar just reads /home/. This location should be /mnt/linux_data as /home is another directory down in /mnt/linux_data/01_centos.

The issue is that there are other directories in /linux_data that I need access to.
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If I navigate through /, I can get to /mnt/linux_data and all of the directories are there as they should be. I don't understand why the link under Devices is not correct. This has happened before and I was able to get it working correctly with the linux_data icon on the Devices panel pointing to /mnt/linux_data and the Home icon under Places pointing to /mnt/linux_data/01_centos/user_name but I never knew what I did to fix the issue. I don't see any way to access the properties of the links on the Devices panel to know what the problem is. Perhaps they are read from some system resource?

Suggestions would be appreciated,

Registered Member
Have you checked with any tools what is going on with the mounts? Here is a link. ... re-mounted
Registered Member
silocoder wrote:Have you checked with any tools what is going on with the mounts? Here is a link. ... re-mounted

This is an old threat, but it describes exactly my mistake.

The following is my fstab.

Code: Select all
# external HDD
UUID=d19eb752-5531-48e2-91a5-141092d8dbaf    /mnt/external-hdd btrfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,compress=no,autodefrag,nofail,space_cache=v2,subvolid=5,subvol=/ 0 2

# Bind Music-Dir
/mnt/external-hdd/Musik /home/xxx/Musik none bind,nofail 0 0

Here is the output from findmnt.

Code: Select all
├─/home            /dev/sda5[/@home] btrfs           rw,noatime,compress=zstd:3,ssd,space_cache,commit=120,subvolid=257,subvol=/@home
│ └─/home/xxx/Musik  /dev/sdd2[/Musik] fuseblk         rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096
├─/mnt/external-hdd    /dev/sdd2         fuseblk         rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096

Aside. /mnt/external-hdd is actually formatted in btrfs. As soon as mount bind is used, it is specified as fuseblk.

But in dolphin under devices, it then links to "/home/xxx/music/", although there should be a direct link to "/mnt/external-hdd".


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