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keyboard shortcuts for bookmarks

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keyboard shortcuts for bookmarks

Sun Jun 21, 2020 10:10 pm
I've been using dolphin for a while and I cannot find a way to quickly switch to a bookmark / place using the keyboard

From what I could find, i can set keyboard shortcuts to edit bookmarks, add new bookmarks, but not to actually open the dropdown or change dir to a bookmark, which is a much more common action

For now the only alternatives I see are: - Use 'Places' instead of bookmarks, but there is no consistent way to toggle focus between sidebar / main view, i need to shift tab a variable number of times depending on the path depth, without a visual cue of what's focused - Alt + G and then go down the dropdown menu to bookmarks

What I'm looking for is something similar to the behavior of krusader, where Ctrl+D brings down the bookmarks list focused, so I can just arrow down to my choice

Does anyone know of a way to do this or a viable alternative?



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