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Dolphin problems/issues finding SAMBA SMB drive

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I'm new-ish to linux and KDE, ... overall really happy and also with Dolphin File Manager ... BUT, biggest frustration and pain I've had is trying to use it to discover my SAMBA SMB external drive (SMB1) that is connected to my router. Ive looked everywhere in Dolphin and tried everything I can, but cant find a way to "Find/create/scan for new SMB network!
I've looked under the Network folder, tried the "New Network" folder (but that has Every option BUT SMB). I have installed and reinstalled SAMBA itself as well as the Dolphin SAMBA SMB plugin. And yes I see the SMB folder under "Network Folder" section, but from what it seems, it only seems to show filws and folders on my Linux pc that i want to share via SMB, Not and way to scan and connect to external SMB drives!
Frustrated after hours of trying, I then started looking elsewhere ... I found Krusader File Manager ... and BOOM, in an instant there was my SMB external drives and I was up and copying files across in no time!
Why is this not so easy in Dolphin? Is it even possible in Dolphin? If so how and where do I choose "New SMB" connection with name and password to scan for?

Its really the only thing missing for me in Dolphin. Such a great file mamager, pity I have to use another. I hope there is a way to solve this ... easily.

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You don't mention if you tried to enable the SMBV1 protocol. Dolphin uses Samba under the hood and they have disabled SMBV1 by default. To enable it put this in /etc/samba/smb.conf
client min protocol = NT1
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Atomic.Computer wrote:You don't mention if you tried to enable the SMBV1 protocol. Dolphin uses Samba under the hood and they have disabled SMBV1 by default. To enable it put this in /etc/samba/smb.conf
client min protocol = NT1


Sorry for late reply … I gave up on Linux for a while, but now I’m back to give it another try …
I’m sure I did try configure that but had no luck … I will try again, but now my mind totally fresh to all how Linux works again, … so where and how exactly do I put in the line you mentioned (/etc/samba/smb.conf client min protocol = NT1) …?

Thanks in advance


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