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Making "Create new" work with ~/Templates

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Since I started using Linux, all file managers have had the files in the ~/Templates folder showing when right clicking in and choosing "create new". Dolphin, however, lacks this, and I'm struggling to find a place in the settings to activate it.

I tried the workaround found in this post: viewtopic.php?f=224&t=119342 . This did not work for me either, even tho I restarted Dolphin.

To be honest, I think it is a crime against the Linux standards that Dolphin lacks this vital feature, since the ~/Templates folder is basically useless without it.
Registered Member
I completely agree with you, and reply to this thread in the hope that it will bring other readers. I am helpless.

As a workaround, I was thinking of making a bash script that would crawl the ~/Templates folder and create the appropriate set of .desktop files to make it work. I haven't found any already existing such script, but I haven't searched much either. But I will lack time to code this workaround until next February, so if someone needs that, please give it a try and post back here!


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