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Open Android files directly, without copying to `~/.cache`

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I have posted a askubuntu question with no solution:

I want to open some videos located on an Android phone before saving them on local drive or any other location.

I can do that in Xfce. But on Plasma, when I want to open the video, Dolphin starts copying it in cache, that is on local drive, namely `~/.cache/kioexec/krun/`.

If I wanted that file on drive before opening it, I would have copied it myself. But I want to save time and space and open the file directly. (That may be very useful if I want to process/transcode a large file: instead of copying on the local drive, one could set the phone location as the transcoder source and the external drive as the target.)

Can I do that on Plasma, given that is normal in Xfce and other desktops?

Installing `gvfs-fuse` in Kubuntu 20.04: the folder `/run/user/1000/gvfs/` is empty.

The mountpoint `/run/user/1000/gvfs/` is not the one in Kubuntu 20.04, and it seems that Dolphin doesn't mount locations, it accesses them via separate KIO processes, as said here: ... &context=3

This is in Kubuntu 20.04, Plasma 5.18.5.

Is this because iso-fuse package is absent (and cannot be installed) on the system? - as said here: ... &context=3

(There is also a BUG ( where `~/.cache/kioexec/krun/` is not cleaned and a lot of GB may be hidden there. Plasma 5.18.5 seems affected by this, but the problem seems unrelated to this question).
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KIO does not mount the filesystem as you already read. As I do not know Android, I cannot give you an exact answer, but I'm using the fuse module `sshfs` to mount my phones (Sailfish OS / Ubuntu Touch). This works independend on all devices providing SSH-packages, like openssh-server or similar. To map user permissions you have to enable `allow_other` in the /etc/fuse.conf.


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