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weird things happening

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weird things happening

Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:14 am
I hope you can help me. I am using version 21.08.3 on Windows 11.

I have been an occasional user of Kdenlive for several years. Yesterday, I used Kdenlive for the first time in over a year.

I used Kdenlive in a very simple way. i created a PowerPoint, then did Printscreen, saving each slide as a .png (each .png is used as a clip in Kdenlive). Then I recorded a script using Audacity. The video I created using Kdenlive is basically a narrative PowerPoint presentation without any effects. I've done this dozens of times in the past without any problems.

Yesterday I ran into a problem when I tried to do this. I had everything set up as usual (all clips aligned with the audio). When I rendered, Kdenlive took my second clip (there was nothing special about that image) and reduced the duration from 30 seconds to 5 seconds. All subsequent clips were moved forward by about 25 seconds, so both audio and image were out of sync. I reset everything correctly and saved the project file. When I opened the project file again, the second clip was shortened again and all subsequent clips were moved forward.

After several attempts to fix this problem, I finally came up with a Band-Aid solution that worked. I removed the second clip from the first video track and added multiple copies of the same image as clips in the second video track (each clip was 5 seconds long, except for the last one). This allowed me to create my video yesterday.

I think this is a mistake. This is certainly frustrating. Please forgive me if I'm not posting this in the right place. Thanks.


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