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Cant open folder except clicking on folder name

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In dolphin, in details view mode i cannot open folders when clicking in a folder row except when i ciick on the folder's name. Is there a way to fix this? i have also made it in the mouse settings that double clicking opens files while single clicking selects them. I was using dolphin on kubuntu so i think that was version 21 if im not mistaken. im planning to switch to kubuntu but this makes dolphin unusable for me because I have been used to opening folders like this for years using windows. Thanks for your help.
Registered Member
A long long standing "issue". I've looked around for this and thusfar no one digs into this. Myself I posted once about highlighting the rows as you scroll. Cause that's the problem. The rows aren't highlighted at all. Only the part with the icon and name. Unless I dreamt it, I'm sure it once worked. So far I haven't seen it in the last four plasma releases. And, as far as I know, they're not going to implement a user setting for that because apparently it conflicts with rubberband selection.

This realm's name is Maya. And she speaks Hertz. But Ahamkara makes a fuzz about it.
Registered Member
dzon wrote:A long long standing "issue". I've looked around for this and thusfar no one digs into this. Myself I posted once about highlighting the rows as you scroll. Cause that's the problem. The rows aren't highlighted at all. Only the part with the icon and name. Unless I dreamt it, I'm sure it once worked. So far I haven't seen it in the last four plasma releases. And, as far as I know, they're not going to implement a user setting for that because apparently it conflicts with rubberband selection.

I guess i have to use thunar or nemo now 😑. Its sad because almost every file explorer can do this
Registered Member
Yes, I know. Another worthwhile fm, since it's qt, is pcmanfm-qt. It supports Kvantum and if I recall, Lightly too. Drags in some deps though. Compared too Thunar, it's dual pane AND has a better integration for custom commands. Just sayin'.
Index, the Maui fm from the Nitrix guys is also available as a flatpak and appimg. Maybe worth a shot.
Or Krusader of course:

This realm's name is Maya. And she speaks Hertz. But Ahamkara makes a fuzz about it.


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