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SMB timeout variable in Dolphin

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SMB timeout variable in Dolphin

Mon Nov 28, 2022 10:34 am
Is there any way to set how long Dolphin waits before timing out when accessing a samba share?

I have another linux server hosting a samba share with a WD Elements drive as the base for this share. The drive powers down when not in use to conserve power and takes literally just 1 second longer to start-up than Dolphin has for timeout on samba shares so while not a show stopper its frustrating to have to click again to go in (shows a login dialog if creds are stored I have to do is click login and it works as soon as it appears). This is not an issue on XFCE or GNOME (sorry I can't remember their respective default file browsers) however overall the KDE experience is much superior. Just hoping I can change a simple setting variable somewhere to extend the timeout by a couple of seconds so I don't have this issue.


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