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No polkit access on dolphin

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No polkit access on dolphin

Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:53 pm
Hello, I am on an updated EndeavorOS/Arch. My Dolphin says it's on 22.12.0, frameworks version Version 5.101.0. Latest polkit and polkit-kde-agent and kio are installed.
I see many sources say that polkit support was added to dolphin a year ago, allowing it to perform root actions without being run as root.

I do not see any thing related to Dolphin in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/

My dolphin cannot do any modifications to any files that require admin permission to edit; dragging files results in an access denied error, and Create New, Cut, etc. are greyed out. Other KDE applications that use polkit seem to work fine.

How can I fix this issue?
Registered Member

Re: No polkit access on dolphin

Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:59 pm
I don't use endeavour but going from what I did in Ubuntu.. Look for a package to install called kio-admin. If you can install that you can right click in a dolphin directory you can't edit and there is an "Open as administrator" option.
Registered Member

Re: No polkit access on dolphin

Thu Dec 29, 2022 10:01 am
Not sure this is implemented yet. So yeah, kio-admin or use the " open as root" service menu.
Btw. You can't edit root files as non root. What the aim is, is to be able to do root stuff in dolphin which you'd do in a non-root window by popping up a polkit kdialog. You can do that now by editing a root file with kate. That's how it would work. Say, for example, you want to drag a picture to a root destination, it'd pop up the same kdialog.

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