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Wrong folders panel after sleep

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Wrong folders panel after sleep

Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:04 pm
Hello all,
this is a recent problem, since a recent update. Dolphin 22.08.2, KDE 5.98.0, QT 5.15.6

When the computer wakes up after sleep, the folders panel of Dolphin shows only one folder names "Tera" which is an old, old hard disk I removed 10 years ago !!! The files panel are unchanged and all instances and tabs of Dolphin have this problem.

The only way out is to close and reopen Dolphin or open a new tab and then switch back. That's a really weird bug, probably an ancient zombie cache somewhere but I don't see why it would activate ?!?

I searched though /etc and ~/.files for possible leftover instances of this device name but I found nothing conclusive.



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