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Dolphin won't remove moved files from view without refresh

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When dragging files between different tabs, Dolphin will not update the view from which the file was dragged. As such the file will appear as if it's still there, until you press F5 to refresh it manually. This does not appear to happen when dragging folders and only occurs with files. I'm using the Wayland Plasma session on Manjaro Linux.

The issue appears to have been introduced with Plasma 5.27.4: I didn't report it or look for a report as I presumed something this obvious and simple would be noticed and fixed immediately. It still exists in 5.27.5 so I'd like to ask if a report is already open so that I may make one if not.

Steps to reproduce: Open up Dolphin. Press F3 to enable split view. Navigate to a different directory on each side. Hold down shift and drag a file from one view to the other to move it. Result: The moved file will appear in the new window, but it will not disappear from the old one until you refresh manually with F5.


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