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dolphin rename inline problem

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dolphin rename inline problem

Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:58 am
Using openSUSE 11.2 KDE 4.3.5
I hope I am asking for help in the right place? If not could you pls direct me to the right place? I have posted this somewhere else also [not KDE]
I have setup Dolphin to rename inline [because that's the way I like it], Unfortunately, it does not work well. If, as I sometimes do, want to copy the filename I have renamed, so I can paste it elsewhere, it is very cumbersome, in that it wants to copy the file not the filename. I have to left click somewhere other than in dolphin and then I can right click to paste. If I don't do this I get a dropdown for "Copy Here", Link Here" or "Cancel" . At this point I choose "Cancel" and I can go on to "Paste" the info where I choose, but it is cumbersome to do this. I hope I have explained this problem clearly.
Right click - choose rename - perform rename
Left click - hi-lite words I want to copy
Right click - choose Copy *** IT IS AT THIS POINT THINGS GO WRONG*** It wants to copy the File rather than the Filename and I have to choose Cancel from the dropdown or it will Paste the file somewhere.

Is it possible that I have set something up wrong?
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Re: dolphin rename inline problem

Thu Apr 08, 2010 8:37 am
I was unable to reproduce this using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V in Dolphin on KDE Trunk. You may wish to try updating to 4.4.2.

KDE Sysadmin


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